Friday, January 11, 2008

Weekly Update 1/11/08

Hello All,

I hope you haven’t caught this little bug that caught up with me this week! I was sorry to miss some events at church, but I hear you all had a great time. One of the nice things about a strong community is that we each know that we have things we can give, and that we also can rest when we need to. I hope that 2008 will give you many chances to both contribute to our community and allow others to give to you.

This Sunday at 9:30 am, we have a special service for you, entitled: “Where Do We Find Our Courage?” Carolyn Hildebrandt has been working with members of the George Walker Society of Music to bring some songs of courage to us as we remember the life and energy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Although there will be one longer segment with singing, children who would enjoy listening are invited to stay to the end.

Second Hour (11:15 to 12:15) there will be classes for children, youth and adults.
For adults, there will be two choices:
Circle Way:   Medicine Way Circle - Led by our own Deblyn Russell, a medicine way is a form of healing, a ritualized action that we perform with conscious intent. Medicine ways and rituals help us change our consciousness and incorporate the Goddess/God within ourselves.   They empower individuals to follow their own thinking and reconnect with ancient ways.
Stories That Changed My Life - This is a new series.   Join fellow UUs as they relate interesting and informative stories about events that changed their lives. Bill Chene will begin the series with a story.

The Youth Group is launching Second Sunday  extended time meeting (name TBD). All youth are invited to stay, have pizza lunch, with time for check-in and making plans for fun and projects. They anticipate finishing up around 2:30 or 3pm. This will allow for the youth to have more of a ‘youth group’ experience, than the short time of Second Hour allows. (Parent’s hopefully you got a letter about this. If not, please contact Kathy Klink-Zeitz.)  Its sounds like FUN!

Pastoral Update (1/11/08)

Mildred Pierce 1710 Walnut St. CF
Dorothy Forsberg (Friendship Village) 312 Southbrooke Dr. Rm 24 Waterloo

Mildred Pierce, 266-9727

In Your Thoughts & Prayers:

Mica Lorenz, who fell on the ice at work on Wednesday. She had to have stitches on her head. Ouch! Hope you are feeling better and better Mica.
Nate Callahan’s sister-in-law, Peggy,  just had surgery yesterday on her neck to repair some bone degeneration. Prognosis is good, and she is in recovery.
Marlin Nissen’s mother, Irene, is in room 310 at Sartori.  She has pneumonia and is not doing very well.  Please remember her in your prayers and if you know her, perhaps send her a card or stop in to visit her.
Esther’s sister, who is dying of cancer.
Please help us live our vision of being a place of caring, let us know of people who should be included in the Pastoral Update—even if its yourself! We want to know. Esther Kieffer and Rev. Eva.

May we all reach out, in spite of earth’s imperfections for what is good and lasting and true in life.


Rev. Eva S. Cameron
UU Society of Black Hawk Co.
Cedar Falls, IA
319-610-6605 mobile
319-266-5640 church
319-266-1111 home

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