Friday, September 4, 2009

Weekly Update

Hello! . . . Our Sunday School program for children is the backbone of our existence. It’s so vitally important that our children hear a counter-balance to all the hatred and vindictiveness that is bandied about in the name of religion. Part of Standing on the Side of Love is actually teaching our children about love, helping strengthen their understandings of compassion and living within their values. Each person we send off into the world ready to fight for compassion and justice, with love as their guide—is an amazing step forward for our planet.
I’ve signed up to help teach the Youth this year. What can you do to help? I don’t care if you did it years ago, and think your “done your turn.” I don’t care if you aren’t really fond of kids and would rather not spend too much time in the same room with them. No, there are always ways to strengthen our program. There are always ways that each of us can help out, somehow. I challenge each of you to figure out at least one thing you can do to help. Ask one of our Religious Education leaders, or our DRE Kathy, if you need to brainstorm with someone until you figure out what you can do that fits you. We do need to staff our classrooms. I understand that at this time, we need:
1) Middle School teacher and Helper
2) Intermediate class teacher
3) Primary class teacher
All of the teachers are provided with curriculum to follow, and will have a team of 3 people to work with for the year (so you don’t have to teach every week).
Put on your thinking caps, your loving hearts, and your helping hands . . . and meet my challenge. It’s sure you make you smile.
See you in church! (but not this Sunday. I’ll be in Chicago visiting my father.)
This Sunday . . .
8:30 am Music Rehearsal
9:30 am Labor Day Chapel Service with Al Hays
10:30 am Work Party—wear your work clothes, bring dust rags, cleaning supplies, and a hearty smile to make our home sparkle inside and out.
12:00 pm Potluck Picnic—Bring a dish to pass. John Miller will fire up the grill, so you can bring some meat to grill as well . . . rumor has it the hot dog fairy will be cooking up a mess of those treats our kids love.
This Coming Week . . .
7:15 pm Religious Services Council
9:30 am Fall Equinox planning meeting (@Eva’s house)
WOW! Workshops on Wednesdays
5:00 Pm Children’s Choir
5:30 pm Dinner (Please RSVP)
6:15 pm Adult Choir
6:30 pm Self Realization Workshop (high school room)
7:30 pm Integral Life Practice small group
7:30 pm Theoretical String Band
7:30 pm Buddhist Path (balcony)

Next Sunday: September 13th . . .
it’s the fall kick-off!!
8:30 am Music Rehearsal
9:30 am “Standing on the Side of Love”
Join Rev. Eva Cameron and Lara Martinsen-Burrell (as Worship Associate) as we explore our spiritual Theme for the coming year. This incredibly simple tool will help you live your life with strength and conviction. Together, UU’s all over the country are working toward Standing Together on the Side of Love.
10:45 am Involvement Fair (see below)
11:00 am Children’s Chapel
11:15 am Sunday School
for children & youth (FIRST DAY OF CLASSES!)

The Involvement Fair is Sept 13th after the Service in the Fellowship Hall. All the UU committees and groups will be displaying information and offering treats for your enjoyment. Come learn about all the things we are involved with! It’s a great day to bring a friend! For committee chairs, team captains: The tables will be arranged Friday night and you can set up for the fair Friday night or anytime Saturday.

Rev. Eva S. Cameron
UU Society of Black Hawk Co.
Cedar Falls, IA
319-610-6605 mobile
319-266-5640 church
319-266-1111 home


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