Friday, November 21, 2008

Weekly Update 11/21/08

Weekly Update . . . as we near Thanksgiving our weather is turning brisk and sunny. Late autumn has its own charm, and I hope you are finding ways to enjoy it. I love making soups and stews this time of year, which I haven’t eaten all summer long.
Today, while munching on my stew at lunch, I thoughtfully chewed a bite of potato. I had left the skins on when I made it, and this one must have had a small pocket of earth remaining, as I got just a subtle taste of earth as a chewed. It shocked me with its rich, organic mustiness. Immediately, I was thrown into memories of planting gardens, the rich earth smell rising from the freshly tilled soil, or deep forests where each footstep overturns rich, loose soil, sending up a waft of rich, earthy splendor.
It made me realize again, just how easy it is to consume food without truly connecting with the powerful life-force that is a work to create it for us. My earthy-bite gave me a lucky reminder. I was able to pause and reflect on growing these potatoes. And on where the rest of the food came from. On the minor miracle it truly is, when we get to open our mouths, place food inside, and be nourished. It’s an awesome force of love at work in the universe. Our lives are sustained by the energy and resources of so many others, human and non-human.
This Thanksgiving, I hope that something will allow you to pause, with awareness and gratitude, and give thanks for this incredible richness that sustains us. I’m not saying you have to serve each of your Thanksgiving guests a spoonful of earth . . . but, you just might consider it!

8:45 am family choir rehearsal
9:30 am Service “Thanksgiving Festival
with a Hunger Communion” Join us for a “Service For All Ages” as we celebrate the richness of life and all that we have for which to be thankful. In honor of those with gluten-free diets, this year’s communion uses rice cakes. We’ll have a  “Parade of Food” so bring some non-perishable food items to carry up front for you and your kids for the FoodBank. Plus, the “Walkin’ the Talk” collection will be for the FoodBank as well.
10:45 am Fellowship Time
11 am Children’s Chapel
11:15 am Sunday School for children & youth
11:15 am Adult Classes:
“Doc” Shorts “Granny D Goes to Washington” This rousing film tells the amazing story of iron-willed, upbeat, eighty-nine year old Doris Haddock who astonished the nation by walking across the entire continental United States to bring attention to the issue of campaign finance reform.
12:15 pm Outreach Committee Meeting
2 pm Small Group
6 pm Birthday Party & Potluck for Eva Cameron & Susan Janzen
(all invited, see below)
This Coming Week:
Monday 6 pm:  
Cedar Prairie Vegetarian Potluck
Tuesday 1 pm:  Committee on Ministry
Wednesday:  No WOW this week.
Friday: Buddhist Movie night! 6:30pm Socializing, 7pm Movie, offered by Ralph Burr.

Pastor Pals Plural Birthday Party:
Sunday, November 23 from  6:00pm - 9:00pm
Location:    UU SBHC Fellowship Hall
 Everyone, come celebrate with friends old and new! The whole family is invited. What's a party without food ... so bring a potluck dish to share. If you're adventurous, a taste of India or Greece would endear you forever to the hosts! No gifts, please.  But you can bring your instruments, and maybe we can make music!

Eva,  pastor for the UUSBHC (born 11/24), and Kathy, our UUSBHC director of religious education (born 11/20). Susan is pastor of Cedar Falls Mennonite Church. (born 11/24)

Anyone else with birthdays this week? Join in the fun so we can sing for you, too!

Other Items:
Once again this year, there will be an opportunity to purchase Poinsettias from Harmony House to use to decorate the Sanctuary during the holiday season. Cost will be $11. Its for a good cause, and will be BEAUTIFUL!!  There will be an opportunity to offer them in memory or honor of someone dear to you. Please look for a sign up soon online, and after church in the Fellowship Hall.   Brought to you by the Creative Spiritz.
Is coming up Dec 14th, with rehearsal on the 13th. We’ve got roles for people of all ages. Let Eva know if you’d like to play a part, help with costumes, etc. . . . or briefly answer questions about meaning of the season (which is part of this UU version of the Pageant!)  
Pastoral Update
Mica Lorenz's stepmother had a heart attack and Mica has been at the hospital most of the week. Her Mom had 3 stints put in and is improving now. I am sure she would like calls/cards/FB messages: 1141 Independence Ave. W’loo, 50703 (610-1276)
Let’s continue to hold Bea Tate and her family in our thoughts and prayers on their long road to recovery. And Eleanor Stark as well.
Please keep us posted on your news. We want to help!
I’ll be at Cup of Joe today from 4:30 to 6pm. Feel free to join me for an informal conversation!
See you in church!
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Rev. Eva Cameron, minister
Unitarian Universalist Society of Black Hawk Co.
3912 Cedar Heights Dr.
Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613

m: 319.610.6605


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