Friday, September 2, 2011

Weekly Update

Sunday 9/4/11
Labor Day Sunday at Church
Chapel Service at 9:30 a.m.
Join us for our Chapel Service on Labor Day Sunday; then stay for the All-Church Clean-up and Potluck. The Band has some funny songs worked up to get you in the mood. And I've got a good clean-up story to tell.
All-Church Clean-up at 10:30 a.m.
Bring your work gloves, dust rags, rakes, mops, polish, cleaner, window cleaner, and work clothes for an indoor/outdoor all-church clean-up.  It's great fun for kids and adults alike to help make our church home shine.
Potluck at 12:00 p.m.
Bring a dish to share as we celebrate the beginning of a new church year with some new additions.  A grill, hotdogs and lemonade will be provided.  You may bring your own meat and/or beverage if you wish.  Let's have some fun!

Calendar Updates for this Coming Week
Monday ~~ Labor Day Holiday – Office is closed.
5:00 pm Children's Choir
5:00 pm Festival Sunday planning meeting
5:30 pm Dinner (Please RSVP to
by noon on Monday)
6:15 pm Adult Choir
7:30 pm Theoretical String Band
7:30 pm Buddhist Path
6:30 pm Card Club

Children's Religious Education classes start NEXT SUNDAY!
Please plan on attending. Our teachers are all ready for another exciting year of sharing, learning and growing. What better gift can you give your child than to help them learn to express their values, to understand what it means to be a part of the voice of progressive religion. 
Rainbow Kids: Kendra Wohlert & Stephen Hughes
3rd grade: Michaela Rich & Shanlee McNally
OWL Our Whole Lives (4, 5, 6th grades) Mary & Bryce Watson
Youth Group: Kevin and Angie Stafsholt
Look for REGISTRATION PACKETS in the classrooms.

Pastoral Update
Dick Shane is no longer in the hospital, but back at Friendship Village. He's staying in the Nursing care section, rather than in his apartment. But John Miller reported that he was up and eating lunch when he visited.
Angie Stafsholt got great news this week, when her biopsies came back negative on her lymph nodes. This means her melanoma hasn't spread, and we are all breathing a BIG sigh of relief with that news. 

Help Wanted:
It takes each and everyone of us working together to create this community. Please say yes! If you aren't sure, please contact Eva or the person listed for more information.

Childcare Coordinator . . . someone, or a small team of people to coordinate our childcare for Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings and special events. Getting time cards filled out and turned into the Treasurer. Working with the Personnel Com when more childcare workers are needed. Talk with John Miller.
Senior Pals . . . we have several members of our congregation who are not able to get out and about much any longer, and are rather lonely. Would you be willing to visit one of them and be a friend? Ask questions about their kids. Read a book together. Watch a movie. Look at old pictures? Bring them some cookies? I'd love to connect you with someone who could use a bit of connection in their lives. (Eva)
Marketing . . . in the past we have had a team to write press releases for our events, and think of other ways to get messages of our presence and events into the community. Currently we don't have anyone to do this. Could it be you? (Eva or Mica Lorenz)
IPR Fundraiser . . .  We join with other UU Congregations in Iowa to encourage people who pledge to Iowa Public Radio to funnel their dollars through us so that together we can buy underwriting. You've probably heard those messages on IPR! We need someone to spearhead that campaign within our church this year. (Eva or Mica Lorenz)
Adult Programs . . . join Lynn Brant and Heather Flory on a team of people to schedule events for the adults of the church this year. This includes working with the people already teaching classes and adding fun new things to our line-up. OR, if you want to offer something, let this team know.
Festival Sunday team members . . .  creative people to join the team that writes our dramas and plans other interactive worship experiences once a month. We will meet Wednesdays during Children's Choir rehearsal (5 to 5:45pm). Contact Lara M-B with questions.
Worship Associates . . . help with set-up and running the Sunday services. There is training. Must attend the monthly Religious Services Council meeting (2nd Tuesdays at 7:15pm) Speak with Eva if you have questions.
Chalice Children Teachers . . . Our Sunday School class for children 3 years to Pre-K. This class is held during the service on all Sundays except Festival Sunday. This means you would only teach 3 Sundays a month and, ideally, there would be 2 teachers to share the job. Michaela Rich is the Children's Sunday School captain.
Children's Sunday School helpers . . . be a warm and supportive presence in one of our classrooms. No teaching or advanced prep required. (Michaela Rich)
Hospitality Teams  . . .  join one of the teams that provide coffee, snacks, ushers and other helpful and cheerful Sunday morning tasks! See Mica Lorenz for details.
Sound Team members  . . . work on the team that runs the sound system on Sunday mornings. Talk with Staci Chananie-Hill.
WOW Dinner Helpers . . . Set-up, cooking and clean-up help each Wednesday evening. Heather Flory is the captain of this group, and dinners are a lot of fun!
Cleaning . . . like every space, cleaning is necessary. We don't have a custodian, so if you are willing to help, or assemble a team to help clean a certain space, let us know. Roger Hahn or John Miller
Garden Captain . . . Someone to organize the planning, planting, weeding and harvesting of our garden. It gives us lovely produce and raises funds for the church and the Foodbank. Volunteers need coordination! And currently, the garden needs someone to harvest on Sundays!

Contact  Rev. Eva or John Miller if you are willing to take on any of these tasks. If you are leading a team or committee that needs more help, let us know so that we can add to this list!  If you don't know someone's contact info--just reply to this email. Thanks!!

Church Announcements:
The Office will be closed on Monday for the Labor Day Holiday.  

Please send any information for the Weekly Updates to or call 266-5640.

September newsletter:
Now available:
•for downloading from the UUSBHC website
•in the fellowship hall at church this Sunday.
Also let the office know if you would prefer to receive the newsletter by email

Have you ever wondered about creating a service?  Maybe you want to explore your voice.  Or use your already polished skills.  Or get to know a different group at church.  Or you simply have a little bit of time and interest in adding a bit of festive juice to your day.  Wednesdays from 5pm-5:45pm the Festival Sunday Team will be planning Festival Sundays.  Come join the fun!  All ages are welcome.  Stay for WOW dinner!  Contact Lara M-B with questions: 319-596-8076

Community Announcements:

NEIFoodBank Groundbreaking Saturday Sept 17 from 11am to 1pm . . . a poster went out by email this week with all the details. Please print and post it somewhere fun!

The Friends of Western Home Communities Annual Breakfast is Sept 10th from 7:00 – 10:00 am at Windridge Retirement Community, 5311 Hyacinth Dr of S Main St.  Cost is $5.

Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a class designed to provide the family caregiver with the skills needed to take care of themselves. Six two-and-a-half hour class sessions held once a week are led by certified, experienced class leaders. Meetings are held each Thursday from 9:00 – 11:30 am from Sept 22 – October 27.  The cost is $10 and the meetings are held at Kimball Ridge Center – Room 1. For more information call Vicki Hyke at 319-272-2467 or email

Rev Eva Cameron
Unitarian Universalist Society of Black Hawk Co.
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
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