Friday, September 30, 2011

Weekly Update

Warm greetings on this beautiful crisp fall afternoon. My heart is joyful as I contemplate the joy of waking up alive and able to love, laugh and give. I went up to Mayo yesterday for a check-up and the news is: I continue to have good health. Whew! Although I felt that I was generally healthy, needing to make the trip up there is a big reminder that life is uncertain.
The one really good thing about being a cancer survivor is that it helps me keep my focus:  making sure that my life is lived doing what feels right and true. Making sure that my actions are as skillful as I can make them. Do I make mistakes? Yes, of course. This is definitely a part of being human. I've come to see that being a minister doesn't mean being perfect, or being god-like. It means being willing to do work that helps the larger whole, work that binds us together. Each one of you has tasks that you do, some each day, some each week, some each year . . . that help bind us together as a human community. This Sunday we pause to reflect on our ministries, and to recognize the role of professional ministries among us. Hope to see you there. And, as I say each year, I hope you will give generously to support our larger movement.

See you in church!

This Sunday (10/2)
9:30 am Service: Association Sunday! Reconnection part 2: Celebrating Excellence in Ministries with Rev. Eva Cameron

I'm going to talk about reconnecting with our creative, compassionate center as we come to understand our own ministries . . .
Each year UU's across the country gather to celebrate and raise funds to further our movement.  The UUA writes, "We know that excellence in ministries is the cornerstone of successful congregations and a vibrant, growing Unitarian Universalism. This year, the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) has partnered with the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association (UUMA), the Unitarian Universalist Musicians Network, the Liberal Religious Educators Association, and other professional organizations to celebrate Association Sunday and to raise funds for the future of our ministries.  Donations to Association Sunday 2011 will support scholarships, continuing education, and a comprehensive assessment of our ministries and their needs for the future. Grants from Association Sunday 2011 funds will help religious professionals get ongoing training to support thriving congregations." Here's a message from our President, Rev. Peter Morales  <>

10:45 am Fellowship Time
11:00 am Children's Chapel
11:15 am Sunday School for children & youth
11:15 am Adult Religious Education

Calendar Updates for this Coming Week
   7:00 pm Green Living committee meeting
      5:00 pm Festival Sunday planning meeting
      5:15 pm Children's Choir
      5:45 pm Dinner:  Buy Fresh, Buy Local!
              Squash casserole, chicken, beans, rice, salad & fruit.
      6:30 pm Adult Choir
      7:30 pm Theoretical String Band
   7:30 pm Buddhist Path
   6:30 Card Club

Pastoral Update
Lara Martinsen-Burrell's grandmother died this past week. Her husband Neil joined Lara and the girls in Connecticut for the service. Please hold the whole family in your thoughts and prayers.
Dick Shane has moved from his apartment in Friendship Village's Lakeview Lodge to the Care Center. He welcomes visitors!
Don Wendt continues his gradual decline. He recognizes fewer people now. He is at Lakeview Landing if you care to visit. Often his wife Dottie is there with him, and she can surely use the support.
Dottie Forsberg is also at Lakeview Landing, and continues to have fragile health. Her husband Gordon Harrington is often with her, and then enjoy visitors as well.

Church Announcements:
Please send any information for the Weekly Updates to
or call 266-5640.

October newsletter is available:
  • for downloading from the UUSBHC website
  • paper copies are available in the fellowship hall at church on Sunday.

Community Announcements:

Welcome Baskets for the Neighborhood Hub

In 2003, an important initiative was created in Black Hawk County - the Community Partnership for Protecting Children.  This group brings together citizens and professionals who are concerned about the well-being of children and families on a monthly basis to discuss issues of common concern and to undertake common efforts involving the coordination of multiple community actors.  Originally funded by a grant from the Clark Foundation, the Partnership now receives funding for a part time coordinator from the Iowa Department of Human Services.

In 2005, the Partnership joined with UNI's Community Outreach Partnership Center to create the Neighborhood Hub in east Waterloo.  The Hub, currently housed at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church on Mobile Street, is designed to be a place where families and children in need can come to learn about services in a non-threatening environment.   As an incentive to get families to the Hub, the CPPC sponsors a community meal once a month, with the assistance of the United Methodist Church and the UNI Episcopal Campus Ministry.

As an additional incentive, the Hub prepares "Welcome Baskets" for people in need.  As you may know, Food Stamps do not pay for personal hygiene and household cleaning items, yet these expensive items are vital to household well-being.  The Northeast Iowa Food Bank carries these items but the demand often exceeds their available supplies.  Therefore, the Welcome Baskets are designed to fulfill an important family need for these items.  However, these baskets also serve the dual purpose of encouraging families to become informed about vital services and programs that may help them with a range of needs- everything from job training, to mental health counseling, to legal assistance. A copy of "What's Where in Parenting", the invaluable guide produced by Family and Children's Council, is typically included in each basket.

The Social Action Committee would like for UUSBHC to be a part of this ecumenical effort to help our community.  Therefore, we will be holding a special collection of items for the Welcome Baskets during the month of October.

In addition to collecting items for the Hub, Eva has requested that we retain some of the items to assist her in responding to requests that she sometimes gets from needy community members or church members for assistance.

The contents for the Welcome Baskets are selected from the following items:
Laundry detergent
Household cleaners
Tooth brushes and tooth paste
Paper towels
Window cleaner
Dish washing detergent.
Bath soap
Toilet paper

The baskets also include diapers and baby wipes when available, but other items are more strongly encouraged. Members should consider purchasing an item or items when they are doing their regular grocery shopping.   You are encouraged to buy cheaper generic brands rather than name brands, in order to make your expenditures go farther. This initiative involves "in kind" donations that are in addition to our monthly social action collection plate contributions. We hope everyone will join in to support this broad based community effort!
Al Hays, on behalf of the Social Action Committee


We are advised by the Cedar Valley Hospitality House and Waterloo Catholic Worker that there is an immediate need for winter clothing and blankets.

The Hospitality House is in need of gently used men's winter coats, stocking caps, gloves, sweatshirts, hoodies and blankets.  These items will be distributed to the homeless who are living outdoors.  Items can be dropped off at the Hospitality House at 1003 Mulberry St. in Waterloo daily between 9:00a and 4:00p (Phone 319-234-1311). To learn more about Hospitality House, click here: <>

St. Francis Catholic Worker is in need of winter hats, gloves and toilet paper for guests who are staying overnight at the Worker House.  Items can be dropped off at the Worker House, 321 East 8th Street in Waterloo weekdays after 4:00p. (Phone 319-232-2116.) To learn a little bit about the this place, click here: <

Rev Eva Cameron
Unitarian Universalist Society of Black Hawk Co.
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

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